“Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story” Review for BSECS Criticks

If you’re anything like me, you are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the third series of Bridgerton, or at the very least, an announcement of its release date. This year, however, we were treated to an extra: an origin story for the Queen Charlotte we see in the Bridgerton TV series.

Released in May on Netflix, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story follows the young Charlotte as she comes to England in 1761 to marry the young King George III, whilst also looking to her worries over royal succession during the Regency period. (This part roughly follows on… ish… from the end of Bridgerton season 2).

I was asked by BSECS Criticks to review the show for their website, and you can read my thoughts here. I really enjoyed it, and am super grateful for Criticks to having me back to review this installment of the Bridgerton universe!

Let me know what you think – did you enjoy Queen Charlotte?

One comment

  1. I must admit we gave up on this series as the treatment of the madness of King George threatened to become disturbing. I shall have a look at your piece presently though when I have a moment or two, just to see what we were missing out on!

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